Septic systems rely on naturally occurring bacteria to break down organic materials within the septic tank. Even small amounts of household products can kill the good, helpful bacteria in your tank leaving nothing to break down the solid waste. Be sure to limit the use of anti-bacterial soaps and detergents in your household as these products are designed to kill or inhibit bacterial action.
To keep the essential bacteria alive and digesting do not put the following products down the drain:
- Anti-freeze
- Anti-bacterial soap
- Bleach-based cleaning products
- Drain cleaner
- Gasoline
- Paints
- Paint Thinners
- Nail Polish Remover
- Pesticides
- Pharmaceuticals
- Toilet Bowl Cleaner
- Varnish
For a clog-free septic system, never flush the following products down the drain:
- Baby Wipes
- Cat Box Litter
- Cigarette Butts
- Coffee Grinds
- Condoms
- Dental Floss
- Diapers
- Egg Shells
- Fat, Oil and Grease
- Kitchen Scraps
- Paper Towels
- Tampons and Applicators
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