Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dig No More: Septic Tank Risers

HK-CSI photo

For many people, when it comes time to pump out their septic tank or have an inspection done, the first step is pulling out a shovel and digging up the tank lid. Digging up the septic tank lid can be quite a chore, especially if you're not exactly sure where the lid is. If you hate the hassle of digging up your septic tank lid, maybe it's time you looked into installing risers.

Septic tank risers allow for easy access to the tank for pumping, inspections and maintenance purposes. Typically made of PVC, risers act as a connector between the septic tank and the surface of your yard, and include a lid that is usually installed flush to the ground. Risers come in many different heights and diameters, and are stackable, so they can be installed on almost any septic tank. It's important that risers are installed properly (they have to be watertight), so it's a good idea to have a professional install them. Most pumpers and septic system installers can install risers in just a couple of hours.

Photo credit:
If you don't like the look of the green lids, there are lots of ways you can camouflage them. A couple options are planting or pots around the lid, and even fake rocks. With a bit of creativity, you can have a great looking lawn and easy access to your septic system.  


  1. This is something new and unique. Great idea for those who don't like to dig. Wondeful article and I will be reading more of your post.

  2. Your blog post is very good, every thing was clear.

    Septic tank risers
